Sunday, August 31, 2008

Wordpress plugin for social bookmarking

I found a Blog today that used Wordpress with some neat features. I liked the fact that it offers social bookmarking sites. I have been using Feedburner with Blogger to accomplish this on most of my blogs. The thing I was unsure of is how to make this happen with Wordpress. This plugin Sociable looks really slick.

How to get the best rankings on your blog

This was an interesting article on how to get the highest rankings in your blog. It is specific to wordpress blogs, but the same techniques can be used on any blogging platform.

Share a post - find content to post to a blog

I stumbled across a site today called that has content that you can grab and post to a blog. I think it would be more interesting to actually write you own content to post to your blog, but hey it is something I had never heard about before.

iPod Touch Deals