Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Create Google Drive new document or spreadsheet in an existing drive folder

I have been searching for a way to create a new google document in an existing folder for some time now.  I typically use a shortcut on my browser bar to create a new Google document, the only problem is that it gets created at the root of my drive folder, then I must immediately change the folder location for the document to be in the correct folder.
After doing some more research today I was able to find a way to make this work.  Using the option folder= in the URL is the answer.  The only issue is that the drive folder name is not the name that you gave it when you created it, it is a big long string of characters that you must find.  
When in Google Drive go to the folder you want to create a new document under.  Then in the URL for that folder grab the string after the &folder= portion of the URL, this is the Google Drive folder name that you must use in the new URL that you will create.
Once you have the new string build the URLs that you need to create a new document based on the templates below:
https://docs.google.com/document/create?hl=en&folder=Google Drive Folder Name
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/create?folder=Google Drive Folder Name
https://docs.google.com/presentation/create?hl=en&folder=Google Drive Folder Name
https://docs.google.com/drawings/create?hl=en&folder=Google Drive Folder Name
Replace Google Drive Folder Name with the string found in the previous step.  
An example Google Drive folder string is below.  Make sure to find the folder name after the last forward slash in the string, that will be the Drive folder you want.

Monday, June 17, 2013

OSX Installer to PL2303 Serial-USB on OSX Lion - For programming Baofeng radios

While trying to get the programming cable for my Baofeng UV-3R+ I found the site below.  I tried the Prolific drivers, but they did not work properly on my system.  I also tried several other drives with no success.  The odd thing is that I could see the driver detecting the device from System Information:

Once the drivers were installed and the system rebooted I was able to see the serial device under networking settings:

Now CHIRP is happy and able to detect the serial port where my radio is located:

Thursday, November 03, 2011

How to stop Datanucleus Enhancer Console Output from stealing focus in Eclipse

How to stop Datanucleus Enhancer Console Output from stealing focus in Eclipse

You might find that when using the Datanucleus Enhancer that every time you make a change to your project that requires a build to occur that the Datanucleus Enhancer will run.  When this happens Eclipse will change focus to the console window (which can be annoying if you already have another tab selected like ‘Development Mode’).

To change this setting you only need to go into Eclipse Preferences and make a couple of changes.

Open Eclipse Preferences and search for ‘Console’:

Uncheck the option ‘Show when program writes to standard out’.  You can also choose to not allow the Eclipse console from stealing focus when errors are written to the console by unchecking the ‘Show when program writes to standard error’ if you choose.


Thursday, September 01, 2011

Tomcat 6 availability issue in Hyperic

I have recently started using Hyperic to monitor services on several servers and ran into a problem with two different servers where I needed to monitor Tomcat 6.0 availability on a Windows 2003 platform. Turns out the problem was the service query to find the process in Windows was not able to find the Tomcat process like it should have. Thanks to the support forum question and answer below I was able to fix my problem.  Basically I had to change the process.query in Hyperic for the Tomcat service to be Pid.Service.eq=Service name (in this case Tomcat6).

Support Forums : Tomcat 6 availability issue ...

Thursday, August 25, 2011

How to Modify eclipse.ini settings in Mac OS X

How to Modify eclipse.ini settings in Mac OS X

Right click on your Eclipse icon and choose the option ‘Show Package Contents’

Open ‘Contents’ and then ‘MacOS’.  Then you should be able to select eclipse.ini and open it with your favorite text editor.

You can then edit things like the JVM version and your memory settings

Here is a link with more ideas on making Eclipse run great on OS X

How to setup open JDK on Mac OS X in Eclipse

How to setup open JDK on Mac OS X in Eclipse

Open Eclipse preferences and go to the installed JREs

Click the ‘Add...’ a new one, and browse to the base of the JDK,  in this example /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines.  You will see an error message that you have not selected a target that is a JDK root.

Manually type in the last part of the JRE home (/1.7.0.jdk/Contents/home).
How do you know the final part of the path?  The 1.7.0.jdk is the file name of the JDK. The rest of the path can be found by right clicking on the 1.7.0.jdk in finder and select ‘Show package Contents’ then go find the home folder

You should probably see something like this when you Show the Package Contents:

Finally You should be able to give you JDK a name and click the ‘Finish’ button

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Running Apache Tomcat on Mac OSX

Here is a great link for getting Apache Tomcat setup to run easily on Mac OSX.
Once you download Tomcat and extract the files from the zip there are a couple of things you need to do from a terminal in the tomcat/bin folder:

chmod 755 *.sh 

You might also want to delete the *.bat files because you cannot use them anyway:
rm *.bat

There is also a nice shell script in the link above that will let you start and stop tomcat by typing in 'tomcat start' or 'tomcat stop' from a terminal window.

Setup environment variables in Mac OS when using Eclipse

While trying to get Eclipse Ant builds working on Mac OS I found that I needed to setup environment variables.  Normally in Linux and Windows I knew how to do this, however things are a little different on the Mac.
Using help from this link I was able to add the appropriate variables that I needed to run my Ant builds in Eclipse.
Basically from a terminal you would use the following command:
sudo vi /etc/launchd.conf

Then add add entries as necessary:

setenv GWT_HOME /Users/hathaway3/eclipse/plugins/com.google.gwt.eclipse.sdkbundle.2.1.0_2.1.0.v201010280102/gwt-2.1.0

setenv GWT_INCUBATOR /Users/hathaway3/eclipse/plugins/com.google.gwt.eclipse.sdkbundle.2.1.0_2.1.0.v201010280102/gwt-2.1.0

The only bad thing is that you must reboot after making these changes.

Friday, July 31, 2009

Changing windows proxy to be either system or user based

Today I was trying to figure out how to change windows to use the proxy setting on a machine basis rather then by user. This registry key setting is supposed to be the 'key'.

System Key: [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\
Internet Settings]
Value Name: ProxySettingsPerUser
Data Type: REG_DWORD (DWORD Value)
Value Data: (0 = whole machine, 1 = per user)

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